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North Reading Youth Soccer

North Reading Youth Soccer

Registration for Players, Buddies and Coaches

TOPSoccer Player Registration

New this season, there is no fee to register for TOPS and registration for Spring 2025 is OPEN!  

Please click here to register. 
PLEASE NOTE: if your player is new to TOPS and/or NRYS, you will first need to register for an NRYS account (button at top right of the page) then use the "click here"  on this page to register for TOPS.  If you have previously registered for TOPS, you may need to "login" to register your player.)

TOPSoccer North Reading/Andover welcomes all players in the North East region of Massachusetts!

The Spring 2025 season will run from April 6th to June 1st and with some exceptions we 
meet every Sunday, 11am to Noon at Maguire Field in North Reading (168 Chestnut Street).  

 We will NOT meet on April 20,  May 11 and May 25. Please try to have your player to the field no later than 10:50 to sign in and get acclimated. 


TOPSoccer High School Volunteer Buddy and Floater Registration 


If you are a high school student at North Reading, Reading or Andover wanting
to be a Buddy
 or a Floaterplease see the TOPS Buddies page under Programs for more information. 

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in being a Buddy or Floater

Please note, Buddies and Floaters are expected at the field by 10:15am and to plan on staying until 12:15pm

Guidance on deciding between Buddy or Floater:
 - Buddies please plan on committing to 5 out of the 7 sessions
 - Floaters are not able to commit to 5 out 7 sessions and are assigned as a back up Buddy and to on field tasks.


TOPSoccer Coach Registration

If you are interested in being a Coach for TOPSoccer, please email [email protected] and include the following information:

        1.  your name - first and last
2.  the town soccer program you are affiliated with
        3.  your email address and phone number


If you want more information beyond what we provide on the website please contact the Program Director Ann Suny at [email protected].

What is TopSoccer ?


North Reading Youth Soccer & Andover Soccer Association TOPSoccer Program

North Reading is very excited to be continuing our partnership with the Andover Soccer Association in offering TOPSoccer to the many surrounding towns that have been a part of this amazing program for more than 8 years!

TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a community based program that is designed to meet the needs of children and young adults that have physical and/or intellectual disabilities.  The program is geared towards player development rather than to competition, providing soccer training and recreation for children between the ages of four (4) and nineteen (19) years old.

We strongly believe in supporting the United States Youth Soccer Association's mission statement as it applies to disabled young athletes. USYSA’s motto promotes soccer as the “Game for all Kids,” and this program allows us to include this largely overlooked segment of our population in already established town programs.

What can you expect from TOPSoccer as a parent?

Our number one goal is to provide your child with a great opportunity.  That’s our philosophy and the foundation from which we’ll operate this program.   You should expect:

  • It will be a fun and meaningful experience for your child.
  • Field size and activities will be determined based upon the physical and mental abilities of the participants.
  • Games and activities will be adapted in ways that ensure your child will learn at his/her own pace.
  • Practices and games will be organized
  • We’ll have plenty of trained coaches and volunteers on hand at all times
  • The program will improve the overall fitness, self-esteem and social skill of your child.

Registration for Spring 2025 is open!

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